More about the rights associated with the photographs
Unless otherwise stated, the photos on this website are all by me, John Nixon, The Supercargo, and are all marked with a copyright sign, logo and the address of this site. All the photos are also embedded with copyright statements.
I am delighted if you want to share any of these pictures through the social media or by sending a link to a friend by e-mail. I’ve tried to make it easy to let you do so. It’s also possible to “like” a post by clicking on a heart under the image, and so recommending it to others.
If you want to use one of my pictures on your own private or not-for-profit homepage you can do so if you don’t crop it or mash it up, and if you include the blog post’s permalink or a link back to my front page. I’d also appreciate you telling me. Use the contact form please. (If you don’t know how to get past the right-click block, or if you prefer, I can provide a copy of the picture so you can incorporate it into your site. I might also be interested in exchanging links.)
If you want to use one of my pictures for any other purpose – for example:
- on a commercial site
- without the copyright notice
- in print
Please contact me! I am sure we will be able to come to an agreement.
I can also take photographs just for you!
John Nixon, The Supercargo