Along the north side of the river, fronting the new residential area at Eriksberg. One of the carved and painted wooden totem poles touched by Saturday’s setting sun. … Continue readingAsia totem
Stora Hamnkanal reflections
The council works department is repairing the north wall of the Stora Hamnkanal – the main harbour canal. What you see here is the iron retaining wall they’ve built to hold back the water, and its reflection. The third band of colour is the reflection of the white facade of Börsen – the old stock exchange that until recently did duty as the City Hall … Continue readingStora Hamnkanal reflections
Playing with fire
Two performers dancing, juggling and playing with fire for an audience outside the River Café at Eriksberg. Fire dancing usually looks more spectacular in the dark, but I liked the way the heat from the torches distorts the images of the building and river beyond the performers. … Continue readingPlaying with fire
Is this what is meant by multitasking? TV cameraman on his mobile phone in Gustaf Adolfs torg, photographed last Sunday during the Volvo party. … Continue readingMultitasking
Beware! Slang can trip you up. (OK “slang” is the Swedish word for hose… but still.) As you can see from the background, this was taken the same day of the political meeting at Kungsportsplatsen. … Continue readingSlang!
After work
After work on the roof-top terrace over John Scott’s Stable on Kyrkogatan – one of the last evenings of summer, perhaps. … Continue readingAfter work
Beggar and dog
Such a common sight nowadays, beggars in the street, though few of them have dogs (unlike the homeless who sometimes have mastifs or mongrels). I usually choose not to photograph them – it feels like even more of an intrusion that street photography usually does. This time though, the man’s posture, the way the dog was lying and the way the light fell made me take up the camera. … Continue readingBeggar and dog