Category: Plants

Photographs showing all sorts of plants

Strand flower

Strand flower

I don’t know what sort of strand flower this is, but I think it may be a sort of poppy or mallow. It was the only wild flower I saw during my walk around Vrångö, and this was the only focused photo I managed to take because although it was low on the ground the wind was whipping it about. There was one stalk with this flower and one stalk with a seedcase that looked very like the top of a peppershaker. … Continue readingStrand flower

Backa Monument and roses

Roses and candles decorate the Backa Monument that commemorating the 63 young people who died in the Backa discotheque fire on Hallowe’en 15 years ago. … Continue readingBacka Monument and roses

Yellow weeds

Yellow weeds

[dot_recommends] Weeds among the cobbles of the quay by the Göta river, the low sun throwing their shadows on a flaking yellow sign.

Bracket fungus

[dot_recommends] This bracket fungus (tika in Swedish), lit by reflected sunlight, is growing on the trunk of a tree in the green space between Prologgatan and Poesiegatan in Backebol.

Spot the bee

Spot the bee

[dot_recommends] In Trädgårdsföreningen this field of purple flowers that aren’t quite lavender – I think they may be a type of ornamental salvia – were loud with the buzzing ofContinue readingSpot the bee

Blooming rose with buds

A blooming rose

[dot_recommends] On the Day of the Rose at Trädgårdsföreningen some roses were in bloom, some in bud and some already blown, but this blooming rose was just perfect.

Roadside thistle

Roadside thistle

Who dares meddle with me? Thistles are beautiful flowers, but you don’t go picking them for a posy. … Continue readingRoadside thistle