Floodlit sign advertising the Basque bistro on Magasinsgatan. … Continue readingBasque
Ord tappar sin mening
Above: Ord tappar sin mening – words lose their meaning – chalk graffiti on a wall at Korsvägen. Beyond a team of billboard erectors are putting up an ad for the winter exhibition at the Universeum.
Below: Later in the day I found this message – from the same author? Tror på dig själv – Believe in yourself.
… Continue readingOrd tappar sin mening
Welcome to Wonderland
A board by the side of a house on Drottninggatan with a graffiti sign – upside down – that bids a Welcome to Wonderland. … Continue readingWelcome to Wonderland
Kör sakta!
In a carpark at Backa a cartoon policeman calls on drivers to Kör sakta! (Drive carefully!)… or else? … Continue readingKör sakta!
A model head showing the areas where bumps on the skull indicate specific abilities according to the pseudo-science of phrenology. Photo taken in the Red Room of the Ölrepubliken pub on the corner of Kronhusgatan and Smedjegatan.
… Continue readingPhrenology
Expect Us!
Graffiti tag on children’s climbing frame in playground near Krokslätt. I took this photo just about a year ago, but never used it. Now seemed an appropriate moment. Your guess is as good as mine about what the graffiti actually refers to, but my crowd funding campaign goes live in three days, so… Expect us! … Continue readingExpect Us!
Beware! Slang can trip you up. (OK “slang” is the Swedish word for hose… but still.) As you can see from the background, this was taken the same day of the political meeting at Kungsportsplatsen. … Continue readingSlang!