Category: Street art

Works of art both official (eg sculptures) and unofficial (eg graffiti).

Street scene

Street scene

A street scene as a mural painted on the bricks of this apartment house on Risåsgatan – I see a cat chasing a rat, two kids playing football and a line of washing. Of course, it doesn’t look much like this here nowadays…

Not sure if this is official or unofficial art – let’s call it “street art” regardless.

Not to be confused with this other Street scene! … Continue readingStreet scene

A giraffious smile

A giraffious smile

One of The Three Giraffes – sorry, The Three Graces – in Keillers Park has been given an eye, eyebrow and half a smiling mouth – so she’s smiling on at least one side of her face. Surely a gracious – or a giraffious smile.

See also Conversation in the Snow from last year. … Continue readingA giraffious smile

A Cheshire Cat

A Cheshire Cat?

I don’t know whether this is really a Cheshire Cat – it’s clearly not smiling – but it is all head and no body in a very unexpected place high up on a wall at Tredje Långgatan. … Continue readingA Cheshire Cat?

Asia wrapped up

Asia wrapped up

Yesterday, on the World’s Five Corners fountain at Järntorget, I found the figure representing Asia wrapped in a blanket from one of the nearby restaurants and with a scarf around her neck. Someone had also given her a rose and (just out of shot) a bottle of beer.

For an earlier photo of another of the figures see Ironsquare. … Continue readingAsia wrapped up



Mural/wall painting of runners on the end wall of a house at the corner of Stampgatan and Polhemsplatsen. Please note the green man on the traffic light – it’s OK for them to run across the road! … Continue readingRunners

Spotted art object

Spotted art object

I spotted this object of art by the city moat in front of the University’s Department for Teacher Training – and yes, it is a spotted art object. … Continue readingSpotted art object

Charles Felix Lindberg with young femnist scarf

Re-dress the gents

Yesterday Swedish Young Feminists set out to re-dress male statues across the country.

Above, one of the wrestling Bältesspännare got a pink Rambo headband.
Below, Charles Felix Lindberg was kitted out with a stylish scarf.
Bottom, the American eagle at the foot of John Eriksson’s statue also got a scarf. Eriksson himself was kitted out with a pink cardigan as a loincloth, but the light wasn’t good enough for a decent photo.

The Young Feminists (Unga feminister – linked to the Swedish political party Feminist Initiative) carried out their action in a number of towns across Sweden, dressing up statues of males in pink. This was partly to draw attention to the number of male statues contra female statues in public places, partly to promote themselves. See their pictures of the action on Twitter (#1000ungafeminister) and on Instagram @ungafeminister. … Continue readingRe-dress the gents