Another photo from the 30th April. In the crowd all looking one way, Barbie was looking back at me. … Continue readingBarbie
The Pike boy
Graffiti art on the retaining wall of the canal by Kungsportsplatsen – coloured stencil of a smiling boy. Apparently a piece by a (US?) graffiti artist who may be called Pike 169 TCF. Please note – I’m not stupid enough to claim copyright on the artwork, only on these photos of it.
Below: a wider shot of the same image.
Really, of course, I should have been out on May Day taking photos of one or more of the May Day Demonstrations, but my hay fever made staying indoors seem preferable. The revolution won’t succeed with my help in hay fever season, I tell you that. These photos taken on 30th April. … Continue readingThe Pike boy
Chalmers Cortege 2014
The annual Chalmers Cortege – the rag parade of the students at Gothenburg’s Chalmers Technical University – takes place on Valborg, 30th April. Traditionally the weather is bad, but this year the sun shone and the crowds tunred out. You can spot the Chalmerists – they are the ones in the white hats (if they’re not dressed up for the parade).
Above: The head of the parade as it turned into Victor Rydbergsgatan on the way to Götaplatsen. The banner reads “Hej vad det går, Nu är det vår” (More or less “What a thing! Now it’s spring!”)
Below: This Chalmerist had the best photo vantage point – he was up in a skylift over Götaplatsen.
Above: The parade on the Avenue looking up to Götaplatsen from Valand.
Below: With the crowds of onlookers, sometimes the best view of the parade was in the screens of mobile cameras held up by the people in front of you.
Above & below: Another way to get a view was to sit on someone else’s shoulders. Some people did it with more grace than others.
Finally, above here are some older, former students (in now yellowing student hats) come along to witness the parade and relive glory days. … Continue readingChalmers Cortege 2014
Facade reflections
[dot_recommends] The facade of a rather fine turn-of-the-century apartment house on Götabergsgatan opposite the main University building. The reflected tree may be a chestnut, though to be sure the leavesContinue readingFacade reflections
Patience in a pug
This pug was waiting with great patience for his owner at the foot of a tree on Östra Hamngatan. Photogenic, he fastened on several other photographs from the Göteborg Photo Walk, but I think I’m the only one who caught this expression. … Continue readingPatience in a pug
Kurdish golden girl
[dot_recommends] This is one of the older girls in the Hamarkullen Children’s Carnival. Dressed in flowing gold, she’s dancing in a Kurdish chain dance.
[dot_recommends] Street photo from Göteborgs Photo Walk on 25th May. This man seems engaged in a serious debate with blond rasta locks. The light spring green of the trees atContinue readingDebate