Plan B
Those of you who supported my crowd funding campaign on FundedByMe (FBM) will have received a message recently to say the campaign failed to reach its target and that the money you pledged has been returned to you. To all of you, and those of you who tried but were defeated by FBM’s log-in process (and even to those who thought about supporting the campaign but never actually got around to it), I say “Thank you!”
Now we move on to Plan B.
My new target is to produce the book with the help of one or more commercial sponsors (“your logo on the title page and copies of the book to give as gifts to your employees/customers”). I’ll keep the contact addresses of all the would-be sponsors from the FBM campaign and I’ll collect more as I go along. Everyone whose address I have will get the option to buy a copy of the book (or more copies) when it’s published at a price below the cover price, but I don’t think the rewards from the FBM campaign will be available.
If you did not manage to support the crowd funding campaign but would still like to be on my mailing list for when the book is published, please contact me. Either write a comment here (your e-mail address won’t be published, but I will collect it), or drop me a line using the contact form. I plan a more permanent page for collecting supporters’ addresses in the future.
And you could also show your support by “Liking” the Facebook page, and perhaps sharing the FB page or this page. If you know of a firm that might be interested in sponsoring the publication (we’re talking SEK 30,000+) please give me a contact!
An added complication though is that I will soon be moving to Brussels for a period of time. This website – my daily photoblog – whence all the pictures come for My Gothenburg Days/Dagar i mitt Göteborg – will necessarily go into hibernation. I can’t be sure when the move will take place, but to make it a clean break on-line I shall stop publishing my daily photo at the end of this month. The website and all the photos will remain, but I won’t be adding any new ones – for a time at least.
Support Plan B for My Gothenburg Days/Dagar i mitt Göteborg!
Write a comment below!
News flash! Campaign is live!
I am delighted to report that my crowd funding campaign to pay for the publication of My Gothenburg Days/Dagar i mitt Göteborg is now live.
Visit the campaign here:
I now have 45 days to attract Skr 160,000.
Campaigning season
My thanks to guest photoblogger Annicka Carlund of Hönö for keeping the site warm for me these past 10 days. You can see all Annicka’s pictures in a special gallery here.

In focus next week: the Gothenburg Book Fair and the launch of my crowd funding campaign to finance My Gothenburg Days / Dagar i mitt Göteborg. You might say it was the start of my “campaigning season” as I have a season of 45 days from 24th September to try and raise 160,000 Skr.
During the Book Fair I will be helping out on the stall run by Egenutgivarna – Sweden’s association of indie and self-publishing authors. You’ll find the stand at A03:50. At the stand you’ll be able to see examples of some of the photos in a presentation file that is approximately the same size as the book will be and (if I’m there) talk with me about the book and the campaign.
I will be presenting My Gothenburg Days/Dagar i mitt Göteborg and the campaign…
…outside the Book Fair at Litteraturhuset (near Esperantoplatsen) from 8.35 on Friday morning (26th September). This presentation will take the form of a 15 minute illustrated lecture.
…during the Book Fair at the Egenutgivarna stall A03:50 from 10.30 on Saturday morning (27th September). This presentation will take the form of an interview (me being interviewed).

I am also very open to meeting with you and perhaps your book circle to present the book and the campaign. Please get in touch by commenting here or on the Facebook page, or by using this website’s contact form.
Please also view one or other of the videos (click on the illustrations here).
As soon as the campaign goes live I’ll add a link to the campaign page here.