Category: March

Blow that horn!

Blow that horn!

Blow that horn! Street musicians, one with a trumpet, play a jazzed-up version of Moscow Nights (loudly) on Drottningtorget … Continue readingBlow that horn!

Columns of light

Columns of light

Columns of light on the facade of one of the buildings of Sahlgrenska sjukhus (hospital). … Continue readingColumns of light



An icon-like graffiti sticker on a rain-pearled lamppost at Korsvägen – the sticker includes six Roman numerals DCLXVI that give the number 666 in the Arabic numerals we use today. … Continue readingDCLXVI

Steeples and masts

Steeples and masts

The steeple of the still ice-bound floating church sculpture in Lundbyhamnen lines up with the steeples of Oscar Fredrik Church and (possibly) the tower of the Natural History Museum in Slottskogen Park.

The floating church sculpture is called Tempel för tvivel och hopp (Tempel of doubt and hope) and is made by Kent Karlsson. … Continue readingSteeples and masts

Girl talk

Girl talk

[dot_recommends] Four little girls sharing a joke during playtime in Järntorget.

Broken butterfly

Broken butterfly

[dot_recommends] Rust breaking though its skin of plastic gold, this broken butterfly was lying on asphalt near a drainpipe in a sidestreet I walked down yesterday.

Kindergartan rope-gang 1

Kindergarten rope-gang

[dot_recommends] In Keillers Park yesterday mid-morning, the sun was shining and a kindergarten class was out enjoying the day. Everyone was well-wrapped because it’s still very cold. After play theContinue readingKindergarten rope-gang