Category: People

Photographs of several people in a group or groups

By Segway through Haga

By Segway through Haga

Group of Segway enthusiasts or Segway-curious travelling along Haga nygatan under the Christmas lights. This photo taken on 25th November 2013. … Continue readingBy Segway through Haga



Dancers under coloured lights – the area in front of the stage in the main hall at Musikens hus. … Continue readingDancers

Mentalizing in child therapy

Mentalizing in child therapy

This student seemed to be mentalizing on the subject of her book in Espresso House this afternoon. … Continue readingMentalizing in child therapy

Espress house crowd 2

Espress house crowd

A busy afternoon at the Espresso House on Magasinsgatan. The in-place for the Espresso house crowd, it seems.
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Scooter shadows

Scooter shadows

Three young scooter enthusiasts at the skateboard park on Sunday. … Continue readingScooter shadows

Helene Kolseth reading

More indie authors

More indie authors (Egenutgivarna) at the Gothenburg Book Fair 2014.

The day before the Book Fair started we were setting up. Here Helene Kolseth – author of Mål som motivera (Goals that motivate) and a member of the board of Egenutgivarna – dips into Lelle Björklund’s Ett liv på driv. Behind, Tobias Åkerman and Lars Hansare are unpacking books.

During the course of the Book Fair, a number of the Egenutgivarna authors were interviewed at the stand. Here Sverker Snidare, author of Den tretonde messias (The Thirteenth Messiah) is being filmed by Mats Ekman, himself author of Growin’ Leaves. In the screen of Mats’ videocamera you can just make out the interviewer, Hans Hirschi.

On the final day of the Book Fair, when things had calmed down a bit a couple of fantasy authors found time to talk with one another. Left, Hanna Höglund, who has just debuted as an author with Ljuset som var dolt (The Light that was Hidden). Right Caroline Hurtig author of Månfolketsland (The Land of the Moon People) and Ödesguddinansval (The Choice of the Goddess of Fate).
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Make-over picnic

Make-over picnic

These girls had set up a make-over studio with picnic blankets and a collection of nail polishes by a path near Tuve Centre. They didn’t offer me a make-over though. Probably just as well. … Continue readingMake-over picnic