Category: Places

Photographs showing identifiable places in and around Gothenburg

Take your dog to Konstepidemi

Take your dog

A street sign that appears to encourage you to take your dog to Konstepidemin. Konstepidemin, the artists’ colony established in Gothenburg’s former cholera hospital, houses the studios of 130+ artists as well as exhibition halls and a café. Every so often there are open days when the general public can visit some of the studios and meet the artists. Tomorrow: Meet artist Sverker Eklund.

An earlier photo from Konstepidemi: Has anyone asked for me? … Continue readingTake your dog

The Norwegians are here

The Norwegians are here

The sailing vessel Hermelin berthed at Styrsö flying a Norwegian flag. I’m not well up in maritime flag etiquette, but I suspect the boat ought as a courtesy to be flying a small Swedish flag also. “The Norwegians are here and they think they own everything,” is a comment you hear from time to time. The Norwegian new-rich are eager purchasers of summer cottages (and even islands) in Bohuslän. But not Styrsjö. I count two Swedish flags and three Swedish pennants flying from flagstaffs on land. … Continue readingThe Norwegians are here

Looking through, looking back

Looking through, looking back

Looking through a new high-rise car park from Hjälmar Brantingsgatan just above Backaplan, the reflections of the fence on the tramtrack embankment behind me at the top of the picture. I’ve been taking photographs from more or less this same spot for a few years now as a derelict lot has given place a building site and now this.

Below: A photo from approximately the same spot taken in February two years ago. … Continue readingLooking through, looking back

Brännö blue door

Brännö blue door

A blue door in a red walled wooden building on Brännö. I took this photo on Easter Sunday – you can see the Påskfjädrar (Easter feathers) decorating the hedge to the right. Another photo from the recent archives. … Continue readingBrännö blue door

In the new City Hall

In the new city hall

The old district court on Gustaf Adolf’s Square has been refurbished and will now accommodate the city council. The new city hall was opened to the general public on the weekend of 12-13 April when these photos were taken. The original building was opened in 1672. The extension (which is the part that had has been renovated and had the open day) was designed by Gunnar Asplund and opened in 1936.
Above: Interior of the newer building looking out onto the courtyard that separates it from the original building. The long staircase to the first floor. The rise from one step to the next it very low to give the people who use it – in the past, judges, lawyers, witnesses and defendants, in the present city councillors – time to think about the grave issues they are here to consider.
Below: The stairs again – from beneath. … Continue readingIn the new city hall

A sharp corner

Sharp corner

A sharp corner at Korsvägen one wet day. … Continue readingSharp corner

Still winter boatyard 1

Still winter boatyard

In the boatyard at Tumlehed the sailboats and motorboats still crowd together, up on the land, under their winter awnings and tarpaulins. Just a few look as if they may be thinking about the summer. … Continue readingStill winter boatyard