Tag: wk99

Expect US!

Expect Us!

Graffiti tag on children’s climbing frame in playground near Krokslätt. I took this photo just about a year ago, but never used it. Now seemed an appropriate moment. Your guess is as good as mine about what the graffiti actually refers to, but my crowd funding campaign goes live in three days, so… Expect us! … Continue readingExpect Us!

Sunset with seagull

Sunset with seagull

This is a September sunset – and I think my first ever sunset as just a setting sun on GBG365. You wouldn’t know this was taken in Gothenburg, but it was, though to be sure it’s 10 days old. The last photo I took before leaving Sweden and handing GBG365 over to my guest photoblogger Annick Carlund. Many thanks to Annicka for keeping the site warm for me! You can see all Annicka’s pictures in a special gallery here. … Continue readingSunset with seagull

Dark over the town

Dark over the town

Guest photoblogger Annicka Carlund writes:

Det ser mörkt ut över stan (Göteborg). Jag blir nog kvar på Hönö ett tag till. Välkommen hit och besöka min ö någon gång. Tack för mig.

It looks dark over the town (Gothenburg). I think I’ll stay on Hönö a while longer. You’re welcome out here to visit me and my island some day. Thanks and farewell. … Continue readingDark over the town

Stay off the jetty

Stay off the jetty!

Guest photoblogger Annicka Carlund writes:

“VARNING GÅ INTE PÅ BRYGGAN”. Bäst att lyda! Jag är rädd om kameran och vill inte ramla i. Bilden är tagen från Hönö Röd i bakgrunden ser man grannön Öckerö.

“WARNING STAY OFF THE JETTY.” Best to obey! I am afraid for the camera and don’t want to fall in. The picture is taken from Hönö Röd, in the background is Öckerö.
Continue readingStay off the jetty!



Guest photoblogger Annicka Carlund writes:

Förvaring av fiskeredskap i en röd liten sjöbod på kajen. Pittoreskt inslag eller bara vardag för en öbo?

Storage of fishing equipment in a little red boathouse on the quay. A picturesque image, or just an everyday sight for an islander? … Continue readingStorage

High pressure

High pressure

Guest photoblogger Annicka Carlund writes:

Här är det en man som redan tagit upp båten. Nu skall det bort en massa alger som fastnat under botten. Tur att det finns högtryckspruta.

This man has already taken his boat out of the water. Now to clean off a mass of algae growing on the bottom. Good thing there are high pressure hoses.
Continue readingHigh pressure

Lobster premier

Lobster premier

Guest photoblogger Annicka Carlund writes:

Nu är det snart dags att ta upp båten för vinterförvaring, men först skall vi fånga hummer. Hummerpremiär infaller den första måndagen efter den 20 september, kl 07:00. När jag var liten var det den 15 september på min födelsedag. Hade jag tur fick jag hummer till kvällsmaten den dagen.

It’s soon time to take the boats out of the water for the winter, but first we must go out and catch some lobsters. The lobster premier falls on the first Monday after the 20th September, at 7 o’clock in the morning. When I was a little girl it fell on 15th September – my birthday. If I was lucky I would have lobster for supper that day. … Continue readingLobster premier