[dot_recommends] Sunlit houses on Vrångö reflected and distorted in the old glass window panes of a house in shadow. For a report from the BBC on Vrångö follow this link.Continue readingOld glass window reflections
A glass of red
[dot_recommends] A glass of red wine on the bar at S/S Marieholm is the only thing that is more or less in focus here.
The lovers by the fountain
[dot_recommends] Two people – who may be lovers – hugging one another, the photo taken through the falling water of the fountain at Brunnsparken.
Inbound train reflected
[dot_recommends] A morning commuter train inbound to Gothenburg Central Station reflected and distorted in a road-side mirror. (This is the same mirror as the one in Coming into Gothenburg CentralContinue readingInbound train reflected
Water and ice
[dot_recommends] Above: Leapng water drops, rushing water and ice caught in the camera’s flash. Below: Rushing water out of focus behind a curtain of ice. [dot_recommends] Photos taken at theContinue readingWater and ice
Winter jewels and frozen green
Snowflakes were dancing against a weak sun, but I couldn’t capture them. Instead I used the macro setting on the camera. [dot_recommends] Delicate crystals of snow on the surface ofContinue readingWinter jewels and frozen green
The world turned upside-down
[dot_recommends] The painted ceiling of the original exhibition hall (now the shop) of the Rhösska Museum of Applied Art, Fashion and Design at Valand. I think it looks even moreContinue readingThe world turned upside-down