One seat ready for a spectator at the go-kart track at Frihamnen. … Continue readingOne seat ready
A model head showing the areas where bumps on the skull indicate specific abilities according to the pseudo-science of phrenology. Photo taken in the Red Room of the Ölrepubliken pub on the corner of Kronhusgatan and Smedjegatan.
… Continue readingPhrenology
Himalayan balsam
I think this is an example of Himalayan balsam (in Swedish Jättebalsamin and in Latin Impatiens glandulifera Royle). It’s actually a bit too red – the descriptions I’ve seen say “pink or white” – but the colour may depend on soil pH (or the light when I took the photo). Photo taken in the woods near Härlanda tjärn. … Continue readingHimalayan balsam
Universeum reflections
The side of Gothenburg’s Universeum reflected in the pond outside. The floating objects in the water are not junk – though perhaps that is a matter of opinion. They appear to be plastic ducks floating upside down. See below. … Continue readingUniverseum reflections
In Renströmska Parken
Autumn in Renströmska Parken, the park around the old Renströmska santaorium. Walking the dog. … Continue readingIn Renströmska Parken